
Below highlights the top level concept of developing a governance proposal and the process from a draft to the voting table. We built this framework to make governance approachable for anyone who wants to participate in it, and give you the tools to develop your own proposals in the future. Proposals enable community members to push forth unique ideas for BLVKHVND to rally behind and support. With your added voice, we ensure that all members have the agency to add their voice to BLVKHVND in a meaningful, permanent way.

To participate in governance you must own at least 100 $HVND tokens or purchase any HVND NFT.

Governance for BLVKHVND happens in three phases:

  1. Draft Proposals (Discord) - The #draft-proposals channel in Discord is a space to collaborate on and craft ideas into proposals before submitting them into the governance flow. Ideas that gain support are then turned into Discord Threads. Polished proposals are then added to the Governance Queue.

  2. Formal Proposal + Pitch - A formal proposal is written and added to the Governance Queue. Proposals will be added to the calendar for members to hear the official pitch. If soft consensus (in the form of emoji votes) is reached after the pitch, the proposal is added to a queue of Snapshot votes.

    <aside> 📌 For proposals pitch scheduling, reach out to @Sirsu in discord.


  3. Snapshot Vote - Accepted Proposals are uploaded to our Snapshot. Snapshots will be hosted for 1 week and must have the following criteria:

    1. Reach majority consensus (at least 51%)
    2. Must have at at least 51% participation from HVND holders

Sample Proposal Framework

<aside> 📢 All proposals must retain the following to be accepted. If you are missing any components of the proposal, it will not be accepted in the Governance Queue. For questions reach out to @Sirsu in discord.

